
Power Automate and Acumatica connection

Hello Everyone,

today I want to give you starting description on how you can connect your Acumatica with Power Automate platfrom from Microsoft. So below goes step by step guidance.

  1. Navigate to and sign in there, if you not yet signed in.
  2. Most probably you will not see section with connections, and you'll need to pin it, for becoming visible, as show on the screenshot below:
Power automate Connections Pin

3. Click on New connection above:

Power automate new connection

4. Scroll down, until you will find Acumatica, that is in preview still, as show on the screenshot, and click on plus

Add power automate Acumatica

5. Pop up window will open, that will require you to fill some information:

Pop up for power automate and Acumatica

6. I'd assume, that you know, how to enter your Acumatica Domain url, user name and password.

7. But for Client ID and secret, in your Acumatica instance, you need to sign in to Acumatica, and navigate to Connected Applications page:

Acumatica connected applications

8. Click on big plus, on the left to the delete button:

Big plus connected applications

9. Enter some name to Client name, that you will not forget and click on save. I'll enter Power Automate Demo 2, and for flow I'd suggest to choose Authorization Code, as shown below on the screenshot below:

Authorization flow

10. Next, click on Shared Secret, and don't forget to copy into the clipboard secret that will appear.

Acumatica Connected applications

11. Get back to Power automate and enter into Secret what you have in clipboard and Client ID:

Power Automate Acumatica

12. After that, you'll be able to use following items in the connector:

Power Automate list of features

just for your convenience:

  1. Create or update an existing Case
  2. Create or update an existing Customer
  3. Create or update an existing Opportunity
  4. Delete a Case using CaseID
  5. Delete a Customer using CustomerID
  6. Delete an Opportunity using OpportunityID
  7. Retrieve Case information using CaseID
  8. Retrieve Customer information using CustomerID
  9. Retrieve Opportunity information using OpportunityID
  10. Retrieve a list of Cases that meet specified conditions
  11. Retrieve a list of Customers that meet specified conditions
  12. Retrieve a list of Opportunities that meet specified conditions

Honestly speaking, I've expected that to have a bit more then just 12 elements, but from other side that list is quite impressive as well.



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